Installing a Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificate on a Unifi Cloud Key

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Installing a Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificate on a Unifi Cloud Key

This took me way too long, most of a day to get working… I had to replace my expired Wildcard certificate and I remember it being complicated, but forgot how I did it so it took me a while.

To get started, you may wish to view my guide on Purchasing a Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificate. Once you have your Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificate, you can follow this guide.

My Environment

  • Unifi Cloud Key
  • UI
  • Backend 6.1.71


I followed a few guides when setting this up.


You will need the following:

  • SSH root access to your Unifi Cloud Key. I used Mremote as the SSH client.
  • WinSCP access helps for copying files to the Unifi Cloud Key.
  • Your Private Key from your Public/Private Key Pair. It should have the file extension of .key and when opened in a text editor, should look like the following:
    -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
    <base 64 encoded private key>
    -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
  • Your Full Certificate Chain file. This is the full chain of certificates, starting with your certificate, then any certificate authorities in the order described below:
    <base 64 encoded certificate>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    <base 64 encoded intermediate certificate authority's certificate>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    <base 64 encoded root certificate authority's certificate>
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    NOTE: I actually don’t know if the order of the above certificates matter. I think I actually did the other way around but I can’t be bothered to test this at the moment.

  • Each of these files are in PEM format, which is just a Base64 encoded binary file so that they can be read as text files. Decoding these files will result in mainly non-printable characters. For more info have a read about Privacy-Enhanced Mail.
  • OpenSSL. You can install it on Windows, or use Git Bash or a Linux system with OpenSSL.


  1. Create a PKCS #12 bundled certificate archive. This includes your certificate, any intermediate CA and root CA certificates, and the private key.
    'C:\Program Files\OpenSSL\openssl.exe' pkcs12 -export -in .\cloudkey.crt -inkey .\cloudkey.key -out .\cloudkey.p12 -name unifi

    NOTE: This assumes that you’re in the current directory with the Private Key and Full Certificate Chain file, and they are named cloudkey.key and cloudkey.crt respectively.

  2. You will be asked to input an Export Password. Use whatever you like and note it down.
  3. A file called cloudkey.p12 will be created. Copy this file to the Unifi Cloud Key into the /home/ directory. I used WinSCP for this.
  4. Log into the Unifi Cloud Key as root using SSH.
  5. Stop services
    service nginx stop
    service unifi stop
  6. Remove the existing keystore (or rename it so you have a backup of it)
    rm /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore
  7. Make a backup of the file /etc/default/unifi and then edit it:
    vi /etc/default/unifi

    Remove the line “UNIFI_SSL_KEYSTORE=/etc/ssl/private/unifi.keystore.jks

  8. Bring your new certificate and key into the keystore:
    sudo keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass aircontrolenterprise -destkeypass aircontrolenterprise -destkeystore /usr/lib/unifi/data/keystore -srckeystore /home/cloudkey.p12 -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass temppass -alias unifi -noprompt

    NOTE: Where it says ‘tempass’, that is whichever password you chose when as the Export Password in step 2.

  9. Start the services we stopped earlier:
    service nginx start
    service unifi start
  10. Remove the cloudkey.p12 file from /home/.
  11. Test by navigating to the fully qualified domain name. This relies on a DNS entry somewhere. I have a record in my internal DNS server that maps the IP address of the Unifi Cloud Key to